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Customer Relationship Internship – London

Come & Go - 10/05/2024
Domaine : Immobilier
Référence : Customer Relationship Internship – London
Come & Go En savoir plus
Property management companies based in London is looking for intern and your main tasks will be :

Publish the properties online
Reply to emails and messages
Setting visits and attend them
Take care of admnistration duties
Help with the day to day business (go to open some doors or pick up some keys etc)

Further informations :

Dates : 4 to 6 months
Languages : Good Level of English, French is a plus
Salary : 500 pounds/month + 70 pounds per room rented + metro card zone 1-2 (150 pounds) + sim card + discount on accomodation 10%

Cette offre est disponible dans plusieurs pays : Royaume-Uni

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